Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The worse disease of them all.

Yay for the planner!!! 
The worse disease on the planet earth is forgetfulness. I am sad to report that I do in fact have this awful disease. As I sit here thinking that I must have some homework still needing work for B day, but strangely enough nothing does. This scares me, why you may ask? Because then if I do forget I will have to endure that awkward moment in class when the teacher says, "Okay class pass up your assignment." and you are one of the two people who don't do it. Once that awkward encounter happens you have to endure a similar encounter about a week later, when everyone gets it back. Part of being a teenage is being extremely nosey, especially when it comes to a score. So its bound to happen that someone sitting near you will simply ask, "What was your score?" and not wanting to break a ten commandment you have to reply saying "No I didn't I forgot...". A huge issue with this forgetful excuse is that hardly anyone will believe you. Teenagers are very judgmental and chances are they will just think you are a slacking, lazy, lying, blob. Which shouldn't matter, but whoever you are you know that deep down inside it does matter to you in some strange unexplained way. But never fear I believe I have found a cure for this awkward disease, its called a planner. Some of you may be thinking what in the world could that be? Well its what they used and still use today. Its pretty much a book and you write stuff to remind you about assignments, appointments, and etc,.. I will let you know if its worth the ten seconds you have to take to write in it each day! Only 537 days left, in counting. Lets hope that by the end of it I will be cured of the forgetfulness disease.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

May the Odds Be Ever In My Favor.

6:15 A.M. the alarm seemed to scream "Get UP Get UP Get UP it's time for the rest of your life to begin." As I woke up all I could think was, "Its finally here... high school." High School is the moment you wait for your whole life. When your little and see all the high school kids, just wishing you were one of them because they are the coolest people to walk on the planet earth, according to your eight year old mind. Now all the sudden you aren't that little girl anymore wishing and imagining high school life, you are that high school girl. From the second I woke up I was terrified of what the next 540 days of my high school career has  in store for me. As we parked the car I sat there in the car attempting not to pass out, trying to keep my heart from exploding out of my chest, and trying to remember to just breathe. As I attempted to open the door all the sudden my hand froze. I could not do it, all the sudden I wanted to be back in Elementary school where everyone was your friend and you never had to try and find all your classes. Then I don't know what was in me but all the sudden I opened it and all nerves left me, for a full five seconds! When I opened the school doors I was absolutely terrified by all the juniors and seniors and how at any moment I could be tripped, booed, and shoved into a trash can. Then I just closed my eyes and breathed. Whenever I think about that I just closed my eyes and breathed is, what in the Sam HECK are the people looking me at thinking as they watched me try not to pass out! Well once I opened my eyes, I'm glad to report that the day went just swimmingly. Besides the whole learning and sitting in unconditioned rooms, but hey you can't win them all. Well may the odds be ever in my favor for the next 539 days.