Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Forgiveness... Its a virtue right?

All I want for the holidays this year is for all of the probably three people who read my blogs forgiveness.. Remember a few blog posts ago I talked about the procrastination bug? Well I caught it when I came to my blog... You wouldn't believe all of the half-written blog posts I have just waiting for pictures, editing, and etc . So to fix this small problem I am going to come up with a new segment called SAM CRAM!!! Which is basically going to jam three holidays   a whole pack of drama and fun into on somewhat small post. Here goes nothing!

  1. I made it through the first quarter coming on semester with minimal damage                                          
  2. Had my first dumb i'm only fifteen Taylor Swift fling
  3. Went to Wyoming
  4. Learned how to shoot a gun! 
  5. Met a new friend
  6. PASSED my drivers license both rode and written test, so I am just trying to survive the anxious waiting till the big one six
  7. First High School dance, but it was stag.... does it even count as a first dance if its neon and stag?
  8. Had the Halloween of a life time!
  9. Figured out how to get egg of a car in the car wash 
  10. Went to some rockin sweet sixteen parties for the girls
  11. Essie and Danika got got their license... hello new taxi drivers! 
  12. I got a job, even though its not the idea dream job
  13. I lived through my extreme binge at Thanksgiving
  14. Did the whole stand in line in the cold at late hours of the night Black Friday for the first time! 
  15. I got over all the drama and learned that sometimes letting go and moving on is often good for the soul and decreases stress like nobody's business
  16. Sang at Temple Square...
  17. And many other venues 
  18. Learned that its the little things that can make the difference when trying to make something sad, something positive
  19. Survived the End of the WORLD!! 
  20. My best friend since birth and forever/cousin is moving out to the great and empty Idaho, but hey they have cowboys so its all good! 
  21. And last but not least ITS CHRISTMAS!!!! 
Now to make it more interesting here's some picture of previous events..

22 Rifle :) 

Cheyenne. She's from AZ 

Who needs a therapist when you have Jones? 

Make a difference and do one to! 

Digital, Does it count as a dance? 

Haunted Houses! 

We're all turning 16 left and right! 

Black Friday Shopping! 

We survived the Apocalypse! 

Temple Square with Tess :) 
Lydia, the best friend ever! And choral edition bud 

Merry Christmas!!