Monday, January 14, 2013

Blind Spot.

Life has many blind spots, for example when you hear a rumor that your "close" friend spread, or even that test the teacher told the class about, but for some reason you didn't hear about it. Well lately these blind spots have been everywhere. Although they come with heartache and confusion, in the long run are for your benefit. With blind spots I think they don't just come in blind and out of site, but also they can leave you blind. The blinding powers can make you sad and hopeless thinking that the sun won't rise in the morning. It can consume you and all of you light. The only thing you can do it wait. Wait for the sun to appear again, wait for the blessings to come, and wait for the rose colored glasses to be lifted up and see what life has in store for you. But don't take waiting literary.. Don't just sit and wallow in your troubles BE HAPPY. I've noticed that through the past months of blinding spots that the spots I sit and feel sorry for myself with are the ones that I never get over or the ones I caught myself tearing my life up and making it worse than it is. But hey what do they say? When life gives you lemons make lemonade... Lemonade is hard to make, but I promise you that it is the sweetest lemonade you'll ever have. And just think HE knows you can get over it, you can defeat it and go on living. To close up one of my favorite actresses of all times, Audrey Hepburn said, "For nothing is impossible, for the word itself says, IM-POSSIBLE!"