Thursday, February 14, 2013

Does Anyone Still Read This?

Well if you are reading this I commend you for not giving up on me and they little blog! I apologize like every other day with my random and not often posts. But we have tons to catch up on! Do you ever have those days when you look at a person and just ask yourself why you haven't thrown a chair at their face yet? Well folks this week has been full of them! For example the other day I was sitting at a table near a rather unpleasant girl and she just was being as annoying as can be! I'm telling ya she had almost blown my top off with her stupid comments and girlish over-reacting. All I have to say is I am so gr
grateful for primary songs because without them a table not a chair, may have been harshly thrown hopefully crushing her. That sounds quite dramatic, but I'm over it. So since its the day of loooovvvveee I am going to give the privilege of some of my words of wisdom on boy, men, life ruiners or whatever you may refer to them as.
  1. Boys are stupid. So sometimes you cant hint to them that you want something, to get what you want I would advise you to follow the following steps.. 
    1. Throw a rock at their head so you know you have their attention (not to hard, there's no need to knock them out) 
    2. Give them a chance to redeem themselves by giving a obvious hint, like throwing a rock at them with a little note attached to them giving them a clue to what would satisfy you. 
    3. Well chances are they won't redeem themselves so go up say sports, then tell them what you want. 
  2. Let them come to you, or make them think its their idea. (THIS WORD OF WISDOM ONLY APPLIES TO NORMAL GUYS NOT ANY CELEBRITY, if it is a celebrity jump on that train and run to them.) 
    • Be sly and clever in all decisions, for example if you want a kiss, girl start playing with your keys! 
Well thats all the wisdom for one day. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!