Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Im Back and Doing Hard Things

Well blogging world I'm back. I'm not dead even though some days I didn't think I would make it. You see what I have learned over the past year is that, girls are mean, cruel, and vindictive. We will do anything to insure our own personal survival, even if it means tearing down everyone around us. In high school I see this happen on a daily basis. For example there is a girl I know lets call her B, who will be your best friend for purely her own benefit. B is your friend so she can get rides around town and money to feed herself with. But then as time goes by B will find a new shiny victim to be her new "BFF". You see girls do what they must to get what they want, whether it be a ride to the basketball game or if they need lunch money. We are cruel, but if you look at it in retrospect high school is cruel. It's cruel because we judge everyone all the time. Even when someone who judges or uses you and really hurts you, we turn around and to what they did to someone else. We are all guilty of doing this, we all judge the girl who is a little to peppy, the boy who wears old sneakers, or the girl who has kissed one to many boys. We aren't perfect, and life is hard. It's hard to keep hold of your standard and beliefs. Its hard to keep your head on strait and its hard to always we happy, but in the end you have to keep thinking WE CAN DO HARD THINGS. Then every moment you think that you can't make it through another day of fake people, judgement, and loneliest. Just think WE CAN DO HARD THINGS. Because hard things and trails forms us. They form our personalities, they form our opinions, they form our life. Within every hard thing we do or go through, there is a blessing is deep disguise. While in trails these blessings are what we must look for, because without looking towards them we will lose hope. Without hope we have nothing. So we have to keep our heads up better and just take it one day at a time. Always remember that high school is only 540 days long. Although that sounds long and miserable just remember we CAN make it, because WE CAN DO HARD THINGS.

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