Thursday, September 27, 2012


Sorry for not posting as often as I should, but quite frankly my life is pathetically boring. On the other hand some of my fellow bloggers have done posts about watching people.and noticing the weird things they do. I find amusement in these posts so I thought why not give it a try in class.
To the boy who is sitting in his chair on only two legs, just wait one day o will tip you over
To the girl in the hallway whose gum fell out while yawning, I saw that throw it away
To whoever in the girls bathroom, take care of it its gross you are the reason I don't like public bathrooms
To the guy who keeps tapping his pencil every vowel the teacher says, stop I will shove it up your nose
To the kid who picked his nose and ate it.... Gross just gross.
To the girl who likes to leave her phone in the open and leave it there for a period of time, I will take it when your not looking and you'll be sad.
To the many girls who keep tugging on their tank-tops to make them cover their butt, just tuck you tank top in. It'll make life a trillion times easier and not stretch your tank-top to the floor. 
As you can see people all around us do weird and corky things. Hopefully mine aren't as annoying like some of these are. Well we are in our fourth week of school, wish me luck in all my many awkward encounters.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's a Jungle Out There, bring a shot gun.

So all of you who read my title with some worry, never fear I did not bring a shot gun to my jungle of a school. It was a metaphor (for those who didn't catch on). High School is a jungle full of every shapes and sizes of animals. You have your lions, tigers, moles, the small, yet very dangerous spiders, and so on. You need to prepare yourself or bring your "shot gun" daily for this safari you are about to partake in. You need to learn how to work with anyone, no matter how awful or annoying they may be. You need to learn to smile all the time, I know first hand how that can change your whole outlook on the day. Learn to broaden your horizon, or in this case friends. I think one thing I struggle with is judging the book by its cover, but today I we proven wrong. I regret not talking to the person because they were "stechy", He gave me some valuable advice that I have needed for quite sometime. Also learn to see both sides of everything and know when you're wrong. That is also another issue I have is not looking at both sides and jumping to a conclusion (which are often wrong). Now that I have done my guru like segment of the day lets talk about the trials and tribulations of Spanish Class. In honor of my "amazing" teacher I wrote a poem

The makes me want to jump out a window Teacher.
by Samantha Turpin

The moment I walk through the door this feeling over comes me to a peak
It's like none other I have ever experienced before
It one that makes you realize you rather eat raw meat
Although that might seem awful just you wait
And hear my teacher speak
She talks and talks and talks
So much I will almost drop
It gets so bad the I begin to jump almost out of my seat 
I rather go to a reaping then sit and listen to my teacher speak
She likes to do tiger bravo's
To the point where I would just want to eat gross spaghetti-o's
All you have to do is say my dad's cousins best friend in England is a medic
Then say hello to whole lot of extra credit
Your dad's cousins best friend in England can get you lots of extra credit.
But all you really need to do is circle and write 50 points extra credit 

As you can see my poetry skills are not sublime, but I hope you get my point. This woman can turn "Okay lets get out a pencil" to "The history of a pencil is..." then ramble on that for thirty minutes to "You have a pencil with 0.5 lead, 100 extra credit points!" As you can tell I am over exaggerating just a tad. This is only the story line of the class. Well at least the class will be a easy A, considering I have already accumulated over 300 extra credit points. Now lets hope I survive the jungle for at least 520 more days. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Tie Me to a Tree Please.

Tie me to a tree please. Tie me there on the tree, where time will stop and I can just breathe. Tie me so I can just freeze and forget of all the bad times and only remember the good times. It seems like just yesterday drama was what you read about in books, and always was entertained by. When did it happen that the entertainment of the book slowly became dramatic encounters in your own life? If only there was a book of life and in this book there were chapters to explain what to do and what will happen. Then at the end of this book let you know that everything is okay, and you will live happily ever after.
We should get him Beef Jerky for his birthday because he's a JERK!

 If only life was that easy, but sadly its quite the opposite! Each day especially now you make decisions that will change your whole life. Rather it a phone call or even just a simple look, your world can flip upside down in seconds. Lots of this has been happening lately with boys, friends, family, etc,. I think that the best thing we can do is pretend we are tied to that tree where you can only remember the good not the bad, and most importantly not dwell on the past. As of today I have learned my lesson, thinking about the future and dwelling in the past, there will be no time to grow in the present.
     Enough from my guru side and more about high school, because this is the purpose of this blog! Well lets have a week in a flash, We got the horse (an trophy that our school and our rival compete for. Its mostly bragging rights) 47-0, I survived two weeks making it only 530 days of school left, I dodged content tutoring, and received my dreadful school picture. So in this past flash of a  week I got my school pictures, lets just say my forehead and Frankenstein's are defiantly cousins. Then I was told I would have content tutoring, but some how didn't. I'm really glad that someone is looking out for me! And finally duh-duh-duh the IRON HORSE. Only the biggest football game of the season that we acceptably win and practically the whole school goes to. This is the game where tiger pride shows either through fighting, who has the biggest switch blade, or the amount of orange and black paint we can paste on ourselves. Despite some of the ghetto fights and paintings it some of the most fun you have all year! Well until I find a magical tree to take me back, and let me forget about almost everything, I have 528 days left of high school. Lets hope I make them count!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cram Sesh,

For those of you who read my post title thinking cram sesh? What could that possibly be? Well just to warn you it is were I try and cram the whole first week and labor day weekend in one post. So bear with me, because you have been warned. To start this cram sesh off it was B day and I am glad to report that I did in fact have no homework for that day! So I guess you could say I am currently being cured of forgetfulness. B days are just "eh". I start the day off in World Civ. on a table is the front of the class with four other classmates who could pick me up and easily snap me in half. There is this one kid who I swear never blinks or moves his eyeballs. Like today I quickly whistled to see if he would look, he didn't even flinch. After World Civ. I went to the biggest joke of a class, Spanish. We have a teacher who honestly gave out 300 extra credit points in one class period. Which is nice considering I will NEVER have to lift a finger in that class. The rest of my day is not nearly as entertaining as the first too. So therefore they are not worth mentioning. at all. By the time I new it, I looked at my phone and it was already Friday night. I mean where did the week go? Its like it was only five minutes ago I was hyperventilating in the car dreading the thought of going to high school. And here I am almost a week and a half into school. Well for my first weekend of being a high schooler I'm sad to report that it was not thrilling or spectacular in any way. I'm sad to report that the highlight of my first weekend was a foot long, mustard drenched, overpriced hot dog at a minor league  baseball game. Besides my thrilling foot long hot dog story for labor day we went thrifing! For those of you who have not experience the excitement of thrifting I am sorry for you! I found some pretty high class items like a beaded Picasso sweater, shoulder padded poke-a-dot very Audrey Hepburn masterpiece of a shirt, and finally a little boy sweatshirt that I really hope no one as ever sweat in before.
Yea or Nay? 

The thing with thrifting is that another mans trash is truly another mans treasure! So by the pictures what do you think? Are the worth wearing or tearing? Here's to finding out! Wish me luck especially on the Picasso sweater!!
Labor day fun day! Swimming, Homemade Root beer and more!! 

I love my cousins!!!