Monday, September 10, 2012

Tie Me to a Tree Please.

Tie me to a tree please. Tie me there on the tree, where time will stop and I can just breathe. Tie me so I can just freeze and forget of all the bad times and only remember the good times. It seems like just yesterday drama was what you read about in books, and always was entertained by. When did it happen that the entertainment of the book slowly became dramatic encounters in your own life? If only there was a book of life and in this book there were chapters to explain what to do and what will happen. Then at the end of this book let you know that everything is okay, and you will live happily ever after.
We should get him Beef Jerky for his birthday because he's a JERK!

 If only life was that easy, but sadly its quite the opposite! Each day especially now you make decisions that will change your whole life. Rather it a phone call or even just a simple look, your world can flip upside down in seconds. Lots of this has been happening lately with boys, friends, family, etc,. I think that the best thing we can do is pretend we are tied to that tree where you can only remember the good not the bad, and most importantly not dwell on the past. As of today I have learned my lesson, thinking about the future and dwelling in the past, there will be no time to grow in the present.
     Enough from my guru side and more about high school, because this is the purpose of this blog! Well lets have a week in a flash, We got the horse (an trophy that our school and our rival compete for. Its mostly bragging rights) 47-0, I survived two weeks making it only 530 days of school left, I dodged content tutoring, and received my dreadful school picture. So in this past flash of a  week I got my school pictures, lets just say my forehead and Frankenstein's are defiantly cousins. Then I was told I would have content tutoring, but some how didn't. I'm really glad that someone is looking out for me! And finally duh-duh-duh the IRON HORSE. Only the biggest football game of the season that we acceptably win and practically the whole school goes to. This is the game where tiger pride shows either through fighting, who has the biggest switch blade, or the amount of orange and black paint we can paste on ourselves. Despite some of the ghetto fights and paintings it some of the most fun you have all year! Well until I find a magical tree to take me back, and let me forget about almost everything, I have 528 days left of high school. Lets hope I make them count!

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