Thursday, September 27, 2012


Sorry for not posting as often as I should, but quite frankly my life is pathetically boring. On the other hand some of my fellow bloggers have done posts about watching people.and noticing the weird things they do. I find amusement in these posts so I thought why not give it a try in class.
To the boy who is sitting in his chair on only two legs, just wait one day o will tip you over
To the girl in the hallway whose gum fell out while yawning, I saw that throw it away
To whoever in the girls bathroom, take care of it its gross you are the reason I don't like public bathrooms
To the guy who keeps tapping his pencil every vowel the teacher says, stop I will shove it up your nose
To the kid who picked his nose and ate it.... Gross just gross.
To the girl who likes to leave her phone in the open and leave it there for a period of time, I will take it when your not looking and you'll be sad.
To the many girls who keep tugging on their tank-tops to make them cover their butt, just tuck you tank top in. It'll make life a trillion times easier and not stretch your tank-top to the floor. 
As you can see people all around us do weird and corky things. Hopefully mine aren't as annoying like some of these are. Well we are in our fourth week of school, wish me luck in all my many awkward encounters.

1 comment:

  1. So funny! JB always tipshis chair in health and has to stand. Good classic advice on tank tops, but remember someone took your phone just the other day;) - LB
