Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's a Jungle Out There, bring a shot gun.

So all of you who read my title with some worry, never fear I did not bring a shot gun to my jungle of a school. It was a metaphor (for those who didn't catch on). High School is a jungle full of every shapes and sizes of animals. You have your lions, tigers, moles, the small, yet very dangerous spiders, and so on. You need to prepare yourself or bring your "shot gun" daily for this safari you are about to partake in. You need to learn how to work with anyone, no matter how awful or annoying they may be. You need to learn to smile all the time, I know first hand how that can change your whole outlook on the day. Learn to broaden your horizon, or in this case friends. I think one thing I struggle with is judging the book by its cover, but today I we proven wrong. I regret not talking to the person because they were "stechy", He gave me some valuable advice that I have needed for quite sometime. Also learn to see both sides of everything and know when you're wrong. That is also another issue I have is not looking at both sides and jumping to a conclusion (which are often wrong). Now that I have done my guru like segment of the day lets talk about the trials and tribulations of Spanish Class. In honor of my "amazing" teacher I wrote a poem

The makes me want to jump out a window Teacher.
by Samantha Turpin

The moment I walk through the door this feeling over comes me to a peak
It's like none other I have ever experienced before
It one that makes you realize you rather eat raw meat
Although that might seem awful just you wait
And hear my teacher speak
She talks and talks and talks
So much I will almost drop
It gets so bad the I begin to jump almost out of my seat 
I rather go to a reaping then sit and listen to my teacher speak
She likes to do tiger bravo's
To the point where I would just want to eat gross spaghetti-o's
All you have to do is say my dad's cousins best friend in England is a medic
Then say hello to whole lot of extra credit
Your dad's cousins best friend in England can get you lots of extra credit.
But all you really need to do is circle and write 50 points extra credit 

As you can see my poetry skills are not sublime, but I hope you get my point. This woman can turn "Okay lets get out a pencil" to "The history of a pencil is..." then ramble on that for thirty minutes to "You have a pencil with 0.5 lead, 100 extra credit points!" As you can tell I am over exaggerating just a tad. This is only the story line of the class. Well at least the class will be a easy A, considering I have already accumulated over 300 extra credit points. Now lets hope I survive the jungle for at least 520 more days. 

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